Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Warm Welcome Treats for Vacation Rentals

Marketing your vacation rentals in the ocean of other competitors can be a challenging feat to do but the rewards of winning customers can be worth it. Bookings on rental units for vacation days or weeks long can be lucrative to the renting business especially during peak season when accommodations are sparse compared to the number of demands. Winning a customer does not end in the marketing and booking processes. To be able to win the approval and heart of clients, extra effort like welcoming them with favors or complimentary treats can bowl them over. With their good impression about your vacation rentals, they will probably refer you to thirteen or twenty people unknowingly when they talk about their wonderful time in your rental property.

Ideas for welcoming favors and treats are available online or from old school books of crafts. There are many options for your welcome basket or treats that your guests can enjoy. Below are some of these ideas are discussed below.

A bottle of wine can be a token of quality service. Wines represent quality celebrations and when you give a bottle to occupants per unit, you give them a chance to celebrate their vacation in your rentals. That is a good way to promote good cheer and warmth to your clients who could appreciate the wine to loosen up a bit in their vacation stay.

Morning beverage baskets composed of personalized mugs, tea, coffee, coco, and other morning beverage concoction can be a good idea for a welcoming favor. For colder regions most especially, these can be a good source of initial kick in their mornings and help them keep warm all day.

Snacks basket like popcorn and nuts can encourage staying in the vacation rentals and snuggle in front of the television cable. This can give an idea to renters who have no idea for outdoor activities and are prone to stay indoors.

Chocolates under pillows like in upscale hotels can be a good surprise to renters who would appreciate an indulgence of sweets. Be cautious for older folks though for their health might be restricting chocolates for consumption. Give them healthy alternatives instead like herbal candies or supplements.

Guests appreciate rental treats as well. If you have swimming or sports facilities, giving free passes for use to your renters can also be a good way of giving back for their business. Younger renters would most likely to appreciate this more as it can save them a few dollars of doing activities.

For renters you happen to know to have kids, a basket full of children's books and toys can be a great idea to keep their children busy and educated. Parents can also spend time with their kids playing and reading to them the treats you have shared.

Ordering your favor items in bulk can help in saving up for your welcoming baskets and treats. Storing them should be fairly easy and be stored near your usual consumables and supplies. Make sure to make your clients feel like going back to your vacation rentals with the warm welcome you have offered them.

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