Sunday, December 12, 2010

Get More Out of Your Italian Vacation - Book Yourself an Italian Holiday Home This Year

Ever since the holiday industry became the huge enterprise that it is today people have wanted to travel and explore the most beautiful areas of the world and one such destination that falls into this bracket is the wonderfully romantic country of Italy. Italy has everything that a tourist could ever want to experience such as culture, amazing history, wonderful food, warm people and spectacular scenery. So many people return to Italy year after year to live the Italian dream that is their summer vacation, Italy is just one of those countries that you can never tire of visiting. The real beauty of Italy lies below the surface, of course the sights and the food are all wonderful but although it is possible to enjoy any holiday that is spent in Italy it is not until you totally immerse yourself in the Italian culture that you begin to fall head over heels with this most beautiful of countries. So how can you immerse yourself in the Italian way of life if you only have a two weeks vacation to do so, what are the tips and tricks to get you inside the Italian way of life?

Italian life is different to anywhere else in the world, many of the southern European countries such as Spain and Portugal have similar climates and pace of life but the Italian way of life is about more than the speed in which life is lead. For instance where else in the world can you experience people rushing and jostling at 6am in the morning to get off of a bus and stampeding into a small café to order the smallest of all coffee's, an espresso? After the panic and fuss that is created as scores of people leave the bus and head into the café it makes for a surreal sight to see the very same people standing or leaning against the bar of the café slowly sipping their espresso and calmly chatting to their fellow commuters. Espresso finished they head off into the business world for another day at work.

This is a common sight in towns and cities all over Italy and is something that the tourist would not give a second glance but to indulge yourself in these experiences makes for a more involved and satisfying vacation. One of the best ways to ensure that you get a real flavour for Italian life is to rent yourself an Italian holiday home for your vacation.

Italian holiday homes are situated all over the country and depending on where you fancy staying for your vacation you will find a huge amount of choice open to you. Tuscany, Lake Garda, Lake Maggiore, the Italian Riviera and Sardinia are all very popular tourist destinations that have many Italian holiday homes available to rent during the summer months, many of these destinations rent properties throughout the year as the climate is so pleasant.

By renting an Italian holiday home for your annual summer vacation you will have to immerse yourself in the Italian way of life as you will have to shop in the supermarkets or even better still shop at one of the many weekly markets that are held in the towns, you may have to hire a car and drive around )this is less daunting than many people would have you believe) and you will have to eat in restaurants some of the time.

I would recommend having a very basic grasp of the Italian language if you do intend booking an Italian holiday home this year, you will be able to get by without it but you will find yourself being more welcomed into situations than if you insist on making no effort to communicate in the home language.

Immersing yourself into a foreign culture may seem a little frightening at first and undoubtedly you will make a fool of yourself occasionally but this is all part of the learning process and but making a few little efforts here and there you will have a much more enjoyable and memorable holiday, so why not throw yourself in the deep end this year and book yourself an Italian holiday home for your vacation.

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